When considering Measure D, the 20-year extension of Hayward's Utility User Tax, bear in mind all of the other proposed tax increases that you might also get saddled with:
On the June ballot...
Measure A
Chabot-Las Positas College District Bond Measure
This proposition comes 12-years after Measure B was approved. It hopes to raise half a billion dollars for the very same purpose. The proposed rate of this parcel tax is $24.50 per $100,000 of valuation. Therefore, if your property is valued at $500,000, you'll pay about $123 per year for 12-years or $1,470 total.
Measure AA SF Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention & Habitat Restoration Program
A flat parcel tax charge of $12 per year for 20-years or $240 total.
November ballot proposals...
In the strategizing stage for 2017/18...
Hayward Business Tax Increase
As described in the City's current budget report, the City is planning on revising its Business License Ordinance with the intention of increasing business tax revenue by at least 10% for 2017/18.